So first off, I'll start with something I mentioned in my last blog post. The 2011 DCI World Championships have come and gone. Honestly though, I went up to my Dad's house the same weekend and had a lot of things to deal with when I got back, so I didn't look too closely at the scores. I can say though, that the Blue Devils didn't win. Yay! I don't dislike them and they have a lot of talented kids, but I just didn't feel the connection like I did with most of the other top 7 corps. If I remember correctly The Cadets won this year and I'm not disappointed! I really enjoyed their show this year. Once again, my issue (and my family's issue) with The Cadets has nothing to really do with the Cadets as a corp, but their director George Hopkins. (I'm sorry but woodwinds do NOT belong in drum corps. Then it would just be big Marching Bands. GRR!) But, that's a whole other rant, and not really new so I'll just skip that. If you want to know more or want to read my rant about it let me know and I can add it to a future post.

Continuing on, and since I've already mentioned it, I went up to my Dad's house! It was so nice! I was only able to be there for a few days, but it was so relaxing and nice to hang out with my Dad and my sister before she headed to Arizona for college. I was able to help my dad make bullets again, although we didn't go shooting this time. I did ride the four wheeler a lot and got in the hot tub almost every night. It was really nice. Plus, my dad was came and picked me up in Greeley and dropped me off. The day he dropped me off we left in the morning and I went with him to do errands and other things, so it was nice to just hang out and chat with us two for almost and entire day! He also took me shopping to Tigge's Farm! They're a local farm that sells really delicious fresh veggies! They also grow a lot of peppers, so I got some of their hottest peppers and some really good sweet banana peppers! Before I end this small rant, I'll just mention that my sister made it safe to Arizona. She has started classes, but I don't really know how they're going or anything. We've been chatting about other things. Plus it's a little odd that she now has Internet 24/7. I guess I'm a bad older sister. ~_~

My little sister and I way back when. I was probably like 7ish.
So now come the biggest rant and most stressful thing that happened, so if you would like to skip this part, go ahead. For those who don't follow me on twitter or are my friend on Facebook, I am taking this semester off. I'm not as frustrated now since it's been a couple weeks since I found out, but basically I was told by a counselor to take the semester off and work full time and then come back. Honestly, I've always had issues getting my financial aid, but it's gotten worse since I went to Japan. But to try to keep this rant short (and since I've pretty much already vented a lot of it out), I'll just try to update on what's going on because of this. First, I've been looking for a part time job. I'm still currently working at the computer labs on campus, but I'm not sure how long I'll be able to. I've been applying to places that I can easily walk to or that has a bus stop that doesn't take too long to get to. Finally, I got a call a couple days ago from the King Soopers just a couple blocks away. I have my interview with them tomorrow. It's actually a part time job, so they guarantee 20 hours. Since I'm not taking classes though, my schedule is more open and that gives me the chance to pick up some more. I just hope it get it so I can feel like I'm doing something with my time. Second, I'm seriously considering transferring schools. I know what I want to do with my life now, I want to produce variety shows in Japan and Korea. I actually started checking out some schools that had Korean classes (since UNC) doesn't have any. I actually found one school in Washington state that I really like and the other school I'm considering is CU in Boulder. I'm still not sure if I should just finish up my Accounting degree here with my Asian Studies minor and then head to grad school or what, but I'm still trying to figure out what would be the best. I could go on, but I'd rather just stop here and move on. A lot of things are still up in the air, so we'll see what happens.

Okay, so before I get into my fandom updates (there's quite a bit as well), I'll just finish up with a few small updates. First off, because I was so stressed, I cut my hair! I got some long layers and trimmed a couple inches off and got bangs! It's weird having bangs, but I just wish my hair was thicker. Plus I just found out the other day that the girl cut them crooked both in length and the section that she cut (the line in my hair) isn't straight either. I need to find someone to fix it. T_T Secondly, gaming has started again! Most of the people that were in gaming guild (and my own gaming group) aren't gaming this semester, so I'm with completely new people except for Curtis. I know the people who I'm gaming with, I've just never gamed with them. Trying to keep this short, we're doing a string of round robin one-shots so we all get a chance to play and dm! My character is a Dinosaur Druid and has a Stegosaurus as an animal companion (like a pet)! She pretty awesome so far and I can't wait to develop her further.

The Stegosaurus I found at the dollar store!
Lastly, I'm going to do a bit of advertising for my new blog The Examinations of an Apple. I have mentioned it before, but I have posted the first part of the 5000 Question Survey, so check it out! Now on to fandom things!

So first off in fandoms is Skip Beat! and the new chapter (178)! It was pretty short considering it was a month and a half since the previous release, but the next one comes out on the fifth! Hopefully we won't keep doing this "two chapters in two weeks and then waiting for almost two months for the next one" thing anymore. I digress. In the latest chapter, Ren (as his character's movie character BJ) and Murasame-san's character are having their first battle scene. They are supposed to be practicing the choreography, but it ends on a bit of a cliffhanger. They don't start fighting right away as per the script, but Murasame-san gets angry and decides to show Ren that he does know how to fight. I'm thinking that someone is going to get hurt for real. I can't wait to read the next chapter!

Mursasame-san attacking Ren.
I don't really have any Arashi updates that I can think of, so I'll just go straight in to Super Junior! First off, I finally received my package!! I have the photobooks, posters, buttons, and goodies! I looked through them all and there are so many pretty pictures. I'm also afraid to use some of the goodies (like the parkjungsoo.com sticky notes). I don't want to use them because they're special goodies, but at the same time I want to use them and show them off. What a dilemma! I put the two posters up and I put the two buttons on my Phantom hat that I bought at drums. I just need to find my Arashi buttons that I got in the Harajuku idol shop and put them on there too! I've also ordered my 5 jib version B CDs! I also got my Leeteuk 5jib from AngeLeeteuk just the other night! It's so pretty and I totally forgot that I had ordered one through them. I was really confused on why I had a package. I ended up getting the special 3 photos (from Lees Music) and I ended up with Leeteuk, Heechul, Ryeowook. Since I'm going to end up with like three of the posters, I thought I'd share and gave the one I got the other night to Bea. She seemed pretty excited!

My Leeteuk Mr. Simple album, 3 photo cards, & poster (folded)!
Continuing on with Mr. Simple related news, Super Junior has won the triple crown on two of the three music shows! It's really exciting, so we just need to help them get the last win for the last show (I believe it's Music Bank)! Unfortunately, I've heard once they get the triple crown (winning three times), they can't take first anymore. Unfotunately, we've lost Heechul for the rest of Mr. Simple promotions. Today (but it was yesterday afternoon/evening when counting the time difference), Heechul entered into the military. He's only going to be working in community services or something like that, so he won't actually have to move out of the dorm and can live at home. He just can't do promotions or anything else besides his service. It's pretty sad to lose another boy, especially one that is so much in the front and in so many different shows like Heechul. He will be gone for a month though for basic training. I think that his two years of service will go by quickly though. Kangin's already more than half-way through his time. I'm just disappointed that I won't get to see him if the do hold SS4 in the US. I'm really hoping to see Leeteuk before he enters the army as well. They haven't really mentioned anything much about SS4, but they did release a few days ago that they are holding SMTown in New York on October 23rd. I just wish I knew about it before hand because it's going to be really expensive. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to go. I mean the tickets themselves are almost the same price as the flight. These are the times when I wish I had a rich family member so I didn't have to worry about missing out on things like this. I'll just try to save up and keep hoping that SS4 comes to the US. Plus it'll be a little easier and cheaper for me to go to LA instead of New York.

The last photo Heechul tweeted before leaving for basic training.
Okay, so the last thing I'm going to mention real quickly is that we have passed both Kibum and Yesung's birthday! I didn't get a chance to post a special birthday post, but I thought I would just post something small now, even though it's so late. Happy Belated Birthday Kim Kibum and Kim Jongwoon! Kibum's birthday was on the 21st while Yesung's was on the 24th! Also, I want to wish Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, and Sukira's staff a Happy 5 Year Anniversary! I can't believe you've been doing Sukira for 5 years already! I look forward to the years to come! Hopefully I'll get to go to the open studio at some point in time!

Our mystic boy, Kim Kibum!
To Kim Jongwoon aka Yesung:Thank you so much! You are the one that got
me into Super Junior with your gorgeous voice and weird personality. I
truly feel so grateful to you for introducing me to both Super Junior
and all the amazing ELF friends I have made. You're
still one of my favorite voices of all time (only second behind Frank Sinatra)
and hearing you sing always leaves me weak-kneed! Really, really thank
you Yesung! I would be a completely different person if it wasn't for you. I feel so much thanks to you that I can't even express it all through words. I just wish I could hear you live and be able to give you a big bear hug to show you how grateful I am.

Yesung from the Mr. Simple Music Video Teasers.
Okay, so I'm going to wrap things up here! As always I'll leave you a gif, this time the lovely dance skillz of Kim Jongwoon aka Yesung. By the way, these are some of his new moves that he learned and revealed a couple of months ago! (Yes he turns from charismatic guy above to the goofball below!) XD

Ja ne~
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