Good Morning!!
So here is my first real post after getting back onto the blogging horse. Yay!! Well, I guess to start off I'll say that this morning I voted at 7!! I was there right when they opened the doors. The people running were laughing at me, but I just laughed along because it was ridiculously early. I'm just happy the Starbucks on campus opened at 7 as well!! Yay for Pumpkin Spice Lattes!! It's my favorite special Starbucks drink and I'm sad they only have it during the fall and early winter. Yes, but anyways, I took a celebratory picture and have changed it to my default picture pretty much everywhere. Here, facebook, myspace, twitter, and I think that's it, but I'm sure you get the point. Also when I decided to update this morning I went to blog and sat there staring at the gif I posted with my last update for like 5 minutes. I find it absolutely hilarious, so I was trying to laugh as quiet as possible in the computer lab. Too bad I didn't find one that had Eunhyuk's charade paired with Heechul's. I'll post it again here for the picture for anyone that didn't see the previous one. I'll try to find Heechul's too!!
Here's the original one I posted:

Okay, so I'll start out with Skip Beat! It's still in the Violent Mission Arc, but I'm loving what's going on. I love the president and Yashiro-san (Ren's Manager), so to have both of them trying to put Ren and Kyoko together and have Ren tell Kyoko things (like to try to convince him to say he doesn't need her when Ren knows that isn't true and would be lying if he said it). Anyways, I caught up and can't wait for the new chapter here in a couple of days. The last chapter was a little scary with the car accident and Ren losing it. His eyes were a little terrifying. I have seen people become like that and it really does look like the soul has disappeared from their body. It's very eery and creepy. It's also nice that we are learning more about Ren's back-story. I sense a big reveal coming soon. There were a few laughs though so that was good to have a little bit of the classic Kyoko comedy again!!
Let's see, what else can I talk about. Oh, Halloween, my favorite Holiday!! So Halloween itself was pretty uneventful. I worked most of the day, but then I went home. That was nice to see my mom, brother, sister, dogs, and kitties (especially Cheesey). Unfortunately it was really short since I picked up an early shift on Monday. Oh well. I do have plans to go back Friday though. People are leaving the house leaving my Mom alone, so I'm gonna go hang out with her!! She said we'll watch a movie or just hang out! It'll be nice to spend some girl time with my Mom. Plus, I'll get to finish my laundry!! Anyways, back to Halloween...Erin and Eli did throw a party on Saturday afternoon/evening. It was a blast. I've been to a few Halloween parties before, but this was the best hands down. I dressed up as a non-descript Bleach shinigami. I didn't get much pictures because I totally forgot my camera. Literally forgot though, because when I got home I realized I left it on their counter. Go me. But we played Rock Band 3, I watched the Exorcist for the first time, had a laughing fit with Talking Carl in the corner for 20 minutes, and enjoyed hanging out with my friends. It was nice because I haven't hung out with them like this since before I went to Japan. Overall, the point was the Halloween festivities were amazing, but unfortunately nothing actually happened ON Halloween.
Let's see, what else do I need to add. Um as for fandoms, I've pretty much solidified my Mom as a Shawol (Shinee fan). It's amazing because not only am I getting her and my sister hooked on Kpop now (I've previously converted them to Jpop), they are staying within the SM Family!! It was really funny on Halloween. During dinner we watched the 2010 Hallyu Dream Concert. When Shinee came on my mom suddenly said "I feel like I should be screaming. Even though it's just on TV and happened a while ago, I still want to scream and cheer." Ladies and gentlemen, my Mom has now been promoted from fan, to fangirl. Welcome to fandom Mom!
Okay, so back to I have mentioned in a previous post, the first Kpop band I listened to was Big Bang. I have to say that they aren't my favorite, but I still enjoy their music and totally have a G-Dragon bias. But anyway, I was sent this questionnaire thing about Big Bang, so I will fill it out and do it and post it in my next post. I'd do it in this post, but it would get way too long. So I'll put it in a separate post! Hopefully I'll fill it out and get it up soon!! Also relating to fandoms, I need money. Super Show 2 DVD was just released and I want a copy really really bad. I want the edition that comes with a poster!! The plus side is that it will be cheaper to buy a 2-disc DVD plus poster delivered from Korean than buying a CD from Japan. I'll only end up spending around $30. Hopefully I'll get enough money soon and can order it before the editions with the poster sell out.
I'm not quite sure what else to add, but I'm sure that I could add much more. I guess I'll just have to wait until the next post! As mentioned in the previous post, I am going to try to update my blog at least bi-weekly, but I would like to do it at least weekly. Also, I'm thinking of getting a Tumblr to post my quote of the day there as well. Also, I might open another Twitter account to do my quotes of the day, but I'm thinking I'll most likely go with Tumblr over another Twitter account. We'll see how I feel and if I actually think I have the time to post it on Tumblr and not just on my Facebook statuses. Instead of a last icon/picture, I bring you the most recent video that had me dying of laughter. Introducing, what I believe to be, the most EPIC pillow fight EVER!
Until next time~
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