I'll start with where the last blog ended, and that would be my little sister's graduation. I think it was shorter than my graduation, and we only had 99 people versus her 424. O_O It was kind of nice how quick it was. At the same time, it was a little odd and unorganized. But, the main point is that my sister is now a High School Graduate!! I'm so happy for her!! The next day we had a graduation party up at my Dad's house. It was really nice! My Favorite Grandpa (my nickname for my Grandfather) and his girlfriend, both my step-brothers and one of their girlfriends, and myself came up for it! We didn't too much, but it was really nice to just relax and hang with family! We did play like a 5 hour game of Apples to Apples. That game is really fun, but it started to get a little boring once the noun cards started to recycle. That was also the first time I lost at that game. I ended up in last place by at least 5 cards, and Shawn's girlfriend was first with 20 or something like that. I had 6. Yeah, I guess I just wasn't good at reading people. Well, that and I kind of had some horrible cards most of the game. Three of them I got in my original hand and ended up not using them until the very end they were so odd. ~_~

My sister & I before the ceremony!
Now onto June! Well, June 1st was such an amazing day for me. It was probably the best day I've had this year. On June 1st I signed the lease and moved into my new apartment, picked up 13 hours at work, and just had a wonderful day overall. It was over a week ago so I can't remember everything that was going well, but it was just one of those days (in a good way)! Which leads me into my next update, I moved into a new place! I have to say, I love living there! The roommates are awesome (I haven't met one yet), there are two very cute cats, and it takes me less than ten minutes to walk anywhere on campus! It's so nice. Don't get me wrong, living alone and having my own bedroom and apartment was really nice, but I really like where I'm living now. The past few days my roommate Katie and I will start talking, and then next thing we know it's hours later! It's kind of how the talks I had with Naruto and Yeon Joo in Japan were! The sad part is the other roommate I met (Kayla) left yesterday for Basic Training. She's in the Army ROTC, so I won't get to hang out with her again until late August. :( Anyways, I have everything set up in my room, and did so just a few days after I moved in. I'm talking all my wall things and little decoration things and everything! They were a little surprised how fast it took me to unpack all my crap and settle in. I guess that's just what I do. I was thinking about it, and I had everything set up and settled pretty quick when I was in Japan. I guess I'm just a quick nestle and can be adaptable easily. XD

So last Tuesday was my 22nd Birthday! It was a rather uneventful day. I worked then came home and had leftovers and watched some dramas. My family is going to have a BBQ or get together sometime to celebrate it (maybe) in a couple weeks. We'll see. I did get a lot of birthday wishes and I would like to thank everyone again for you thoughts! There was only one thing disappointing that day. Nobody sang me the Birthday Song. I realized it as I was going to bed, and it was sad. Usually my Favorite Grandpa calls and sings it to me, but this year he texted me. It's weird. I actually convinced myself it was supposed to be. Last year I was in Japan for my birthday, so when everyone sang, I had never had that many people at one time sing to me. It was such a fun and touching experience for me. So, since I had so many people sing to me last year, it's only right that this year there was nobody. Oh...I just realized this is kind of depressing. I guess I'm just making excuses, but I honestly think that because I was able to gain that special memory last year, it's okay that nothing incredible happens this year. Anyway, I think sometime this week I'm going to treat myself to see Pirates of the Caribbean 4 in 3D in like a mini celebration!

Well, before I get onto my next update, I just wanted to mention to those of you whom didn't know/see the link, I have a tumblrtumblr to look at others), please do. I will warn you though, it's mostly fandom things, centering around Super Junior with a few Arashi and a couple other band posts when it's a funny gif or something. I also post random things that don't have to deal with Asian fandoms! Anyways, there's a link on the right of my blog, or you can just click here!

Okay, well now that my tumblr commercial is over (sorry about that to those that don't really care), lets continue on to the new happening in my life: Learning Korean! So instead of waiting until I go there or until I go to a school that offers Korean, I decided to start trying to learn it on my own. I (thankfully) picked up Hangul pretty fast. I can read most of what I see in Korean now, but I have no idea what it means. Yeah, so my rant about learning Korean, is the conjugation. Oh my gosh was my brain turned to liquid when I was reading the conjugation chapter out of my book. It's so confusing (as it was when I first started learning Japanese) and I was sitting in the living room for like five hours reading five pages on conjugation. And that was just the patterns, not all the different endings that you can conjugate with. *sigh* Well, I'll just keep practicing. I noticed yesterday when I was going through the honorifics chapter, that it was slowly starting to sink in. I think though now my main problem will be with knowing enough vocabulary (I have that issue with Japanese still too). Although, I am grateful that there's only one form of Hangul. I would like to eventually be efficient in Kanji, but that is so hard, especially being in an area where it's hard to reinforce everything that I've learned and learn more. *Side note, I feel like I've lost a lot of my Japanese, so maybe when I finish with this textbook I'll start reading through my Japanese texts and notes and try to keep both of them current. I'm also happy that Korean and Japanese have a similar grammar structure, so some of what I've learned isn't as hard as it was when I was learning Japanese. Yeah, but anyways, I'll this rant here. If you have any links to practice sheets or online flashcards or learning aids (for both Korean and Japanese), please send me a message or post a link in the comments below!

The Hangul Alphabet chart!
Okay, well, to continue my thoughts on Korean and Japanese, time to get to the fandom parts of my blog. First off, I'll be starting with Skip Beat!! The newest chapter hasn't been released yet (I still have like 10 days), so that'll be in my next post (if I don't post one between now and then). But, in other Skip Beat! news, the preview trailer for the drama has been released!! I noticed parts of the manga in the preview, but then there were some parts I didn't. The only thing I'm confused about is Siwon and Donghae speaking Korean. I wonder if there's going to be dubs. I kind of hope not though, then we'll lose the sound of their voices and dubs are never quite the same as the actor/ess. We'll see. ~_~ Although, I do have to say that I am growing to like Donghae as Sho. What's nice about this role is that maybe he won't get stuck in getting the same sort of roles over and over (similar to what is unfortunately happening to Siwon). So check out the trailer below! (Hopefully it won't be deleted anytime soon.)
Well, I think that's it for today. Sorry it was so long and that there were so many videos! I hope you enjoyed it none the less. Don't forget to vote and comments are always appreciated!! As always, I'll leave you with a gif! This week goes to the cute magnae of Super Junior-M Henry!

Ja Ne~~
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