First off, last night was Halloween! As much as Halloween is my favorite holiday, unfortunately time got away from me and I wasn't able to finish my costume. I still have everything for it, so I might just wear it next year or to a con or something! It was a kind of a bummer since I ended up working for 12 hours that day. I didn't really see anybody else, and I wasn't home until late so I didn't see an trick or treaters either. Major Sad Day! I ended up doing my laundry and cleaning the closet the day before and found my beanie with cat ears I bought at NDK a few years ago. I wore it all day so at least I was dressed up a little bit! Two of my roommates and I did end up carving pumpkins though! We were trying to figure out when to do it, but last Wednesday ended up being a snow day, so we stayed home and did them then! Adrienne carved a ghost coming out of a crypt/coffin, Katie did Batman, and I did a Japanese Kabuki mask! It was the hardest design I've ever carved, but I think it turned out really cool! Unfortunately I carved it a little low on the pumpkin so it looked like he was staring at the ground. It's all good though! I also did decorate the yard, but the snow day happened a couple days afterwards and kind of ruined it. I'll be cleaning it up here in the next couple days.

Green: Adrienne's Pink: Mine Yellow: Katie's
As for other happenings recently, I attended Billy's bachelorette party and Billy and Curtis's wedding was on the 29th. The ceremony ended up happening at the same place as the reception instead of at a cemetery, but I think it turned out really nice! They both looked so happy. Well, actually, they both still look really happy! I'm just sad I forgot my camera. The bachelorette party was a lot of fun too! We played Dirty Minds, watched Rocky Horror Picture Show, chatted about random things, and went to Old Chicago's! It was a blast! The reception was a lot of fun too! Sam and her brother (Pikachu a.k.a. Alex) also came to the reception, so it was really nice to catch up. She's still up in Greeley, so I think we're going to try to get together sometime soon! Anyways, back to the happy couple, I'm so excited for them! It really turned out nice! I never really have thought much about my wedding, but going to theirs I am a little now. It's hard though since I have no idea who I'll actually end up marrying!

Oh, speaking of meeting with Sam, she convinced me to do NaNoWriMo this year. I've always been interested in it, and it starts today. I'll actually get started here when I'm done posting this. I'm not exactly sure how it'll end up since I've never attempted something like this, but hopefully I'll at least make the 50,000 words by the end of the month!

Okay, so for my fangirl rants! They all will be rather short though! First off, a small Skip Beat mention! The new chapter doesn't come out until the 5th, so I don't actually have any news about it! I can't wait though! I'm excited and hope it's not a shorter chapter! We'll see. Anyways, expect another update around then.

Also most like going to be in that post will be information and rantings about Super Junior's 6th anniversary. It's coming up quickly (on the 6th)! I can't believe that I've been in the fandom for three years now! Then again, Arashi is currently in their 12th year and I've been their fan for...eight years now. Wow, and I though three years was long! Also, Super Junior released their Super Show 3 Live Album! It's awesome! I'll link you to Soribada so you can listen to the songs if you would like! I love them and can't wait for the DVD to be released! Since I don't really have any other Super Junior updates, I'll get on to Arashi! They still haven't released the single Meikyu Love Song yet, but that should be coming up soon as well. They did release the short PV a bit ago, but most of the links have been taken down. I'm sure that'll be coming up soon in one of the next couple posts!

Well, I think that's all that for this post! Not much fangirling this time, but there were some exciting things to update you all on! Hopefully I'll be more timely with my next post! Today's gif will be Kibum since I haven't posted a solo gif of him yet! It's from the U MV! XD

Ja ne~
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